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Formulating Meat Substitutes using Citrus Fiber

Formulating Meat Substitutes: Citri-Fi® Portfolio

Formulating meat substitutes has been an on-going challenge for every plant-based food producer. For instance, consumers expect the foods to taste exactly like animal-based products. Without that parity, consumers skip the re-purchase and gravitate back to their beloved fleshy bits. Though meat substitute products come close to their animal counterparts, they still fall short in taste and texture. To create a meat substitute requires plant-based ingredients. For example, product developers use a protein base in addition to texturizers, stabilizers, and gelling agents. This hodgepodge of ingredients are needed to create the firm meat-like texture, succulence and binding. At the same…

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Formulating with Citrus Fiber

6 Ways to Formulating with Citrus Fiber

Look at a food product’s label and you will be daunted at how many food ingredients are listed. Some are your classics found in grandmother’s pantry. Others struggle to roll off the tongue easily. And then some ingredients read like hieroglyphics dug up from an Egyptian crypt. Regardless, formulating with citrus fiber and/or other natural functional ingredients can help clean up food labels which improves the product’s image. The market demands more natural ingredients that create high quality healthy food products with a long shelf-life. Using the words ‘natural ingredients’ and ‘long shelf-life’ in the same sentence is an oxymoron…

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